Deviled eggs with Australian seared from Southern Seagreens

Weedy Devilled Eggs

Our good pal Kimberly Kidger got inspired recently and came up with a radical new take on devilled eggs using our Smoked Kelp, Kelp Salt and Chilli Kelp. Blew us away when she arrived with these. Who needs curry when you have kelp on hand! Thanks for sharing this recipe and pic with us Kim (and btw feel free to check out her amazing local natural skincare products Pollys Farm - made right here on the Ninch).

6 eggs (preferably Yolky Dokey)
3-4 tbsp whole egg mayonnaise
1/4 tsp Southern Seagreens Smoked Kelp Umami Wonder Dust
1/2 tsp Southern Seagreens Kelp Salt
1 tsp Southern Seagreens Chilli Kelp


1. Hard boil eggs, peel and cut in half
2. Scoop out yolks, place in a bowl and add mayonnaise, Smoked Kelp and Kelp Salt (add each ingredient incrementally and stop when seasoned to your satisfaction).
3. Spoon seasoned yolks back into eggs and sprinkle with Chilli Kelp.

And you’re good to go!

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